Replacement Rubber Upholstery Webbing Clip End Strap Ercol Settee Chair Supplies


Looking for an exact size? Head to our dedicated website where we have a much larger selection available. The straps on our dedicated website are also available to order in the closest 1/4". 

2" Wide Pirelli Upholstery Webbing Strap

Buy The Length You Need

Any strap lengths available

Available in Beige / Black / Brown

These straps come with clips on to each end of the strap.

Before ordering, measure the gap from slot to slot as this will be the length you require.

Note - We can go to the closest 1/4". If your length falls between our lengths shown (i.e 18 1/2"), head to our dedicated website where we can go to the closest 1/4"

Pirelli webbing is made of natural rubber and is the same webbing as used by Ercol and other high quality furnitures

This premium quality webbing can be used on settee's, chairs, stools,etc